More About Tamar Valley LETS

Who can join? Anyone and everyone; individuals, charities, organisations, businesses. Tamar Valley LETS is open to anyone in our catchment area - it's about making connections and building community - and all kinds of skills are welcome and needed. LETS Schemes offer many social as well as economic benefits. In the Tamar Valley we hold regular group meetings and social events - see News & Events.

The Tamar Valley LETS Directory and Contact List are online, but members can save and print them off once logged in - for their own convenience, or to help other members who don't have easy wifi access.

How to trade: LETS is interest free and you do not have to earn credit before you spend, so once you have joined you can start trading immediately. You may contact a member, make arrangements about time, rate etc, and when the job is done you can click on "Transactions" and transfer Tams to the person who did the job (or sold you something) - the system also enables invoicing if preferred. Members who are not online can make out a paper LETS cheque to the seller authorising the transfer of the agreed number of Tams to their account. The seller then sends the cheque in to Tamar Valley LETS Admin, who records on the LETS accounts - similarly, stall-holders at fairs may compile a list of trades.

To join Tamar Valley LETS - as an individual, household, business or organisation - you may fill in and return a joining form with your subscription or donation, or bring both to a meeting - or you can access and submit an online form. Your Tamar Valley LETS account gives access to the members' facilities on this website. See help page for further details.

IntroAboutMoreCatchment AreaConstitutionAgreementJoining Form