Tamar Valley LETS Joining Form

I / We would like to apply for: Single Membership • Joint Membership
and I / we are Waged • Unwaged • an organisation (business or charity)
Have you been in membership of a LETS group in the past: YES • NO
If yes, please enter membership number if you remember it:

Full Name of Primary Member:
Full Name of Secondary Member (if any):
Organisation/ Centre/ Project (if any):
Website of Organisation/ Centre/ Project (if any):
Street Address:
Town/borough: County/city:
Postcode: Country:
Primary Phone Number:
Secondary Phone Number:
Gender: M/F/Other: Date (or year) of birth __/__/____:

Most importantly, your EMAIL ADDRESS:

Please tell us how you heard of Tamar Valley LETS.
If you were referred by a current member, they will get a bonus, so please do give us their name:

In the early stages of development of Tamar Valley LETS we are not charging a set subscription, but donations will be welcomed. Please tick the checkbox if you would like to do this and we will send you the relevant details.

I have read the Constitution and Members' Agreement and agree to abide by them. I agree to respect the confidentiality of other members of Tamar Valley LETS. I do not object to my personal and account details being held on computer or other appropriate records, and I consent to these being made available in confidence to other members.

Please use the message box for any additional information about your circumstances or information about your organisation, centre or project, any key offers and wants, and your aspirations for participating in Tamar Valley LETS.

Signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

When you click the SEND MESSAGE button below, an email of the above information will be sent to the Membership Secretary, who will respond as soon as possible with payment details etc. If you want to print out the form, go "back" on the browser and you can see the form again. However, the Membership Secretary will reply to you by email including the details which will be on record.

IntroAboutMoreCatchment AreaConstitutionAgreementJoining FormInside Pages